I’ve begun to realize that indeed we are not alone. All around the world, diverse peoples, populations, and cultures exist, but we are all the same in our desires.

It is like clouds and water and ice; all the same and all different. And it can be still or moving, or frozen, but it is all water. So similar humanity truly is. So simple it could be, if we took the time to truly embrace the positive. Indeed we all wake to the same sun. etc. etc.


The knots of man become interwoven in the street corridor. It seems in first glances the city surrounds the park, but in fact the parks seems bigger than the city. See, the tree roots are unmapped, uncharted, recipes from scratch that cannot be imitated. The soil, quenched, like the bombarding people of the metro. The park is organic. Not an artificial establishment of ideas, culture, history…

Of course we created a culture of trees- linguistic representations of earth (“nature”). Dendochronology, biology, ecology, forestry, botany and so on and so forth… I wonder if when we know the names of trees if we devalue them- like money is to labor, or Nancy is to me.

It simplifies, systematizes, organizes our surroundings. Instead of being a thing that lives – with a heartbeat, that writes poetry and loves the earth, humanity, has two brothers, plays piano, dancing- I simply go by “Nancy”….

It’s a shame that a sense of self is such a struggle in our society, but not surprising when humans are such vast anomalies of complexity. Of course, it seems I have ideological differences with everything, and to say I am more than a simple human word would next in this culture imply God… And sore we could explain that maybe God is human- the moment the idea is in our minds it is not necessarily a fallacy. and the correlation exists. or perhaps does not.

It is not difficult for us to argue our preconceived beliefs though undoubtedly our ideas evolve. In most cases this is due to experience, and not contemplation. Yet here I sit reflecting and reinterpreting my perspectives and ideas, trying to understand why there are so few trees and so many buildings and so many people, and such obsolete peace.

And I am still perplexed by the human fascination of towers of our creations. Our technologies are greater than our realities. But from the first civilization, and ever after seeing so many collapse, we continue to believe, or convince ourselves that MORE we need more. More houses, more buildings, more money, more THINGS.

When the things that as a species we always inherently would need are alive – mountains, birds, flowers, smiles and trees. It is my belief that the things we surround ourselves with now are but death and destruction. And the energy, so slowly, depletes.